The following worksheet introduces you to Inside, a Netflix special by Bo Burnham. Besides learning about the stylistic features of song lyrics, comedy, and film, you'll explore the adverse effects of technology and the pandemic on people's mental health. As a final creative assignment you will apply what you've learned about film by making a film to present a poem. The worksheet helps prepare you for another mock Individual Oral. It takes about 4 weeks to complete at SL and 3 weeks to complete at HL. Do all 7 activities to earn a 7 on this worksheet. 

Worksheet: Inside
Inside song lyrics as literary work
A3 Model analysis poster: Inside

You can use the song lyrics from Inside as a literary work or the film as a non-literary work. Inside lends itself well to an Individual Oral on mental health and social pressures. 

Related pages
  • 5 Culture and wellbeing: Unit planner
  • IO Example: Inside and Persepolis
  • Text types: Film

Last modified: Sunday, 8 September 2024, 3:45 PM