HLE Assessment criteria

Note that the following descriptors have been modified from the official IB descriptors to avoid copyright issues.
HL Essay assessment criteria
HLE Pie chart feedback
Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretation
  • To what extent does the essay show knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work?
  • To what extent are interpretations drawn from the work or body of work to explore the topic?
  • To what extent are interpretations supported by relevant references to the work or body of work?
Marks Descriptor
1 The essay shows little knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are rarely relevant to the topic and rarely supported by references to the work or body of work.
2 The essay shows some knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are somewhat relevant to the topic and sometimes supported by references to the work or body of work.
3 The essay shows adequate knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are generally relevant to the topic and generally supported by references to the work or body of work.
4 The essay shows a good knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are very relevant to the topic and often supported by appropriate references to the work or body of work.
5 The essay shows perceptive knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are consistently relevant to the topic and effectively supported by convincing references to the work or body of work.

Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation
  • To what extent does the essay show analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic?
Marks Descriptor
1 The essay shows little analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.
2 The essay shows some analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.
3 The essay shows adequate analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.
4 The essay shows good analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.
5 The essay shows insightful analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.

Criterion C: Coherence, focus and organisation
  • To what extent does the essay show coherence, focus and organisation?
Marks Descriptor
1 The essay shows little coherence, focus and organisation.
2 The essay shows some coherence, focus and organisation.
3 The essay shows adequate coherence, focus and organisation.
4 The essay shows good coherence, focus and organisation.
5 The essay shows effective coherence, focus and organisation.

Criterion D: Language
  • To what extent is the student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology accurate, varied and effective?
Marks Descriptor
1 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is rarely accurate, varied and effective.
2 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is sometimes accurate, varied and effective.
3 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is generally accurate, varied and effective.
4 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is frequently accurate, varied and effective.
5 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is convincingly accurate, varied and effective.

Last modified: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 12:59 PM