Session Date/Time Description
1 4 October 2022
15:30 - 17:30 France time
An overview of the IGCSE French 0520 course and of its general framework. An insight in themes, assessments and links with the IB curriculum.
Assessing the Reading and the Listening Components

2 5 October 2022
15:30 - 17:30 France Time
Assessing the Speaking component  
Strategies to teaching the Listening and Speaking components and how to assess them. This session will include guidance on how to teach and conduct the speaking examination and standardisation sessions.  Links will be made with the French B oral productive skills.
3 6 October 2022
15:30 - 17:30 France time
Assessing the Writing component  
Strategies to teach and mark the Writing component and how to assess them. This session will include the Writing standardisation and links will be made with the French B productive skills

Last modified: Thursday, 22 September 2022, 7:46 AM