The following unit of inquiry introduces you to the novel, The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Mohsin Hamid. As you read the novel, chapter by chapter, you are asked to identify key stylistic features of prose fiction and discuss how they help construct the messages of the novel. You will analyse this literary work and create an outline for half an individual oral. This worksheet should take about 15 lessons of 50 minutes to complete. This unit goes particularly well with Homecoming King, a stand-up comedy act and BOW by Hasan Minhaj. 

Unit planner
1. Judging a book by its cover
2. Discussion questions
3. Creative task
4. Annotating extracts
5. Half an IO outline
6. Rewriting half an IO

Four of the six worksheets in this unit are collaborative docs. By sharing docs, you are encouraged to build collaboration skills, one of the IB's approaches to learning. By creating shared notes, you are building a community of learners in which everyone is dependent on everyone and weaker students can learn from stronger students. 


This worksheet prepares you for half an individual oral. You have to walk before you can run. Try recording yourself speaking for 5 minutes on both an extract from a literary work and the rest of the literary work. It's difficult! This kind of 'take home' assignment allows you to listen to yourself, reflect and make improvements.    

Related pages

  • Introducing the IO
  • IO Example: The Bluest Eye and Banksy
  • P2 Example: The Great Gatsby and The Reluctant Fundamentalist 
  • Unit: Homecoming King (IO)

Last modified: Sunday, 8 September 2024, 3:54 PM