Pronom Indirect
Voici une explication des pronoms indirects
Regardez cette vidéo pour comprendre comment utiliser les pronoms indirects:
Source vidéo: Les pronoms compléments (lui/leur), Krystel Boucher
- Notez tous les exemples donnés
- Relevez les erreurs fréquentes et corrigez ces erreurs(Corrigez les!!!) :)
Complétez les exercices suivants:
Exercice 1 Remplacez les noms par des pronoms objet indirects
- Il ____ donne un cadeau. (He gives me a gift.)
- Tu ____ invites à la fête. (You invite me to the party.)
- Elle ____ parle tous les jours. (She talks to me every day.)
- Nous ____ aidons avec les devoirs. (We help you with the homework.)
- Vous ____ offrez un livre. (You give me a book.)
- Il ____ montre la photo. (He shows me the photo.)
- Tu ____ poses des questions. (You ask me questions.)
- Elle ____ raconte une histoire. (She tells me a story.)
- Nous ____ envoyons un message. (We send you a message.)
- Vous ____ donnez un conseil. (You give me advice.)
- Il ____ demande de l'aide. (He asks me for help.)
- Tu ____ prêtes ton stylo. (You lend me your pen.)
- Elle ____ écrit une lettre. (She writes me a letter.)
- Nous ____ souhaitons un bon anniversaire. (We wish you a happy birthday.)
- Vous ____ donnes un cadeau. (You give me a gift.)
- Il ____ envoie une invitation. (He sends me an invitation.)
- Tu ____ expliques le problème. (You explain the problem to me.)
- Elle ____ prépare un repas. (She prepares me a meal.)
- Nous ____ montrons le chemin. (We show you the way.)
- Vous ____ offrez des fleurs. (You give me flowers.)
- Il ____ prête son vélo. (He lends me his bike.)
- Tu ____ poses des questions difficiles. (You ask me difficult questions.)
- Elle ____ raconte une blague. (She tells me a joke.)
- Nous ____ donnons des conseils. (We give you advice.)
- Vous ____ écrivez une lettre. (You write me a letter.)
- Il ____ souhaite une bonne journée. (He wishes me a good day.)
- Tu ____ donnes des informations. (You give me information.)
- Elle ____ demande de l'argent. (She asks me for money.)
- Nous ____ prêtons notre voiture. (We lend you our car.)
- Vous ____ offrez un cadeau d'anniversaire. (You give me a birthday gift.)
Exercice 2 – Traduisez ces phrases
- He gives you a gift.
- We invite you to the party.
- She talks to you every day.
- We help you with the homework.
- Your parents give you a book.
- He shows you the photo.
- You ask yourself questions.
- She tells you a story.
- We send you a message.
- The teacher gives you advice.
- He asks you for help.
- Your friend lends you his pen.
- She writes you a letter.
- We wish you a happy birthday.
- Mom gives you a gift.
- He sends you an invitation.
- The young people explain the problem to you.
- She prepares you a meal.
- We show you the way.
- Your fiancé gives you flowers.
- He lends you his bike.
- The examiner asks you difficult questions.
- She tells you a joke.
- We give you advice.
- We write you a letter.
- He wishes you a good day.
- The policeman gives you information.
- She asks you for money.
- We lend you our car.
- She gives you a birthday gift.
Exercice 3 Traduisez les phrases
- I teach (to) him/her to swim.
- She advises (to) us to study more.
- They forbid (to) you to go there.
- We ask (to) them to help us.
- He orders (to) me to clean my room.
- You forgive (to) him/her for the mistake.
- She permits (to) us to use her car.
- We promise (to) you to arrive on time.
- They remind (to) me to buy milk.
- You reproach (to) him/her for being late.
- She teaches (to) them to play the guitar.
- I advise (to) him/her to read that book.
- They forbid (to) us to enter the room.
- We ask (to) you to bring your ID.
- He orders (to) them to stop talking.
- You forgive (to) me for my mistake.
- She permits (to) us to use the computer.
- We promise (to) you to help with the project.
- They remind (to) me to call my mother.
- You reproach (to) him/her for forgetting the keys.
- She teaches (to) me to bake cookies.
- He advises (to) you to exercise regularly.
- They forbid (to) her to watch TV after midnight.
- We ask (to) them to bring their passports.
- You order (to) me to complete the task by tomorrow.
- She forgives (to) him for his mistake.
- We permit (to) you to use our swimming pool.
- They promise (to) us to come to the party.
- You remind (to) him to buy groceries.
- He reproaches (to) her for being late.
- She teaches (to) him to speak French.
- I advise (to) you to take a break.
- They forbid (to) us to use their equipment.
- We ask (to) you to keep the noise down.
- He orders (to) them to finish the project on time.
- You forgive (to) me for forgetting your birthday.
- She permits (to) us to stay at her house.
- We promise (to) you to support you through this.
- They remind (to) me to buy a gift for the party.
- You reproach (to) him for not keeping his promise.
Exercice 4 – Remplissez les blancs avec les pronoms indirects qui conviennent
- Je ………… enseigne à nager. (I teach him/her to swim.)
- Je ………… conseille de travailler plus. (I advise him/her to work more.)
- Il …………défend de sortir tard. (He forbids him/her to go out late.)
- Nous ………… demandons de nous aider. (We ask him/her to help us.)
- Elle ………… ordonne de nettoyer sa chambre. (She orders him/her to clean his/her room.)
- Tu ………… pardonnes d'avoir menti. (You forgive him/her for lying.)
- Nous ………… permettons d'utiliser notre voiture. (We permit him/her to use our car.)
- Ils ………… promettent d'arriver à l'heure. (They promise him/her to arrive on time.)
- Je …………rappelle de prendre son médicament. (I remind him/her to take his/her medicine.)
- Elle ………… reproche d'être en retard. (She reproaches him/her for being late.)
- Je ………… enseigne de jouer du piano. (I teach them to play the piano.)
- Je ………… conseille de lire ce livre. (I advise them to read this book.)
- Il ………… défend d'utiliser son téléphone. (He forbids them to use his/her phone.)
- Nous ………… demandons de venir à la réunion. (We ask them to come to the meeting.)
- Elle …………ordonne de ranger leurs affaires. (She orders them to tidy up their things.)
- Tu …………pardonnes d'avoir oublié l'anniversaire. (You forgive them for forgetting the birthday.)
- Nous ………… permettons d'aller au parc. (We permit them to go to the park.)
- Ils …………promettent de les aider avec le projet. (They promise them to help them with the project.)
- Je ………… rappelle de terminer leurs devoirs. (I remind them to finish their homework.)
- Elle ………… reproche de ne pas écouter. (She reproaches them for not listening.)
- Je ………… enseigne la danse. (I teach him/her and her to dance.)
- Je …………conseille de voyager plus. (I advise him/her and her to travel more.)
- Il ………… défend de manger trop de sucreries. (He forbids them to eat too many sweets.)
- Nous ………… demandons de nous accompagner. (We ask him/her and her to accompany us.)
- Elle ………… ordonne de faire leurs devoirs. (She orders them to do their homework.)
- Tu ………… pardonnes de ne pas avoir rendu les livres. (You forgive them for not returning the books.)
- Nous ………… permettons d'utiliser notre jardin. (We permit them to use our garden.)
- Ils …………promettent de venir les aider. (They promise them to come and help them.)
- Je ………… rappelle de prendre leur temps. (I remind them to take their time.)
- Elle …………reproche de ne pas respecter les règles. (She reproaches them for not respecting the rules.)
Téléchargez le corrigé ici
Last modified: Friday, 20 September 2024, 12:38 AM