The following unit of inquiry introduces you to the novel, Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. As you study the novel, you are asked to make connections to The Tempest, and The White Tiger which are explored in previous units. This unit includes a creative assignment which asks you to write diary entries from a character's perspective. This unit should take about 22 lessons of 50 minutes to complete. 

Unit planner
1. Is this art?
2. Discussion questions (on key concepts)
3. Diary entries
4. Venn diagram and outlining P2
5. Mock Paper 2
6. P2 rewrite and reflection

One of the IB's ATLs self-management skills, including affective skills. Reading literature is important because it teaches empathy. How must it feel to be a particular character in a particular situation? This unit asks you to write a diary from the perspective of a fictional character. As you continue to read literary works, consider how reading helps you see the world through a different lens. 


This unit includes an introduction to Paper 2, which might just be the most challenging form of assessment because it asks you to do 3 things: answer an essay question, compare two literary works and analyse their authorial choices. To help you do this, this unit shows how Venn diagrams and mind maps can be used to prepare for unseen questions. 

Related pages

  • Practice Paper 2s
  • Paper 2 skills: Venn Diagram
  • Unit: The White Tiger (P2) 

Last modified: Thursday, 29 August 2024, 9:01 AM