RPPF questions
What kinds of questions should supervisors ask during each RPPF session? What kinds of questions should candidates expect? The aim of each session is different, and this can be seen in the questions below. Use these questions to prepare your RPPF sessions, either as a supervisor or a candidate. It helps to know which questions will be asked before they are asked.
RPPF questions (PDF)First session
What sparked your interest in this topic?
Can you phrase this idea as a single question?
Have you looked at the subject guide, to help you decide what to do next?
What challenges/problems can you see at this stage?
What method have you chosen for your data collection? Why choose this method? Will you have enough time for this method?
Are there any ethical considerations?
What are your independent/dependent & controlled variables?
How are you going get the resources required to conduct your research?
Do you have a timeline for each phase (research, data collection, analysis)?
Have you planned for when you will complete the reflections?
How will you show your thinking/decision making in your reflection?
Have you created a research reflection space?
Interim session
What research have you completed?
Why have you selected these sources?
What challenges/problems have you encountered/can you see at this stage?
How has your methodology changed?
Have your data and resources supported your hypothesis?
Is your argument focussed on the question?
Has your research raised new questions?
Do you foresee problems with the word limit?
Have you checked your essay against the assessment criteria?
What is your timeline/plan from this point?
How will you complete your reflection?
How are you going to show your critical thinking in your reflection?
Final session (viva voce)
What organisational skills have you developed through this process?
What parts went smoothly/ what parts caused difficulties?
Did you achieve your original ideas?
What decisions did you have to make, to reach your goal?
What did you learn about critical thinking?
Did you check your essay against the assessment criteria? What marks would you give yourself?
What did you learn about academic writing?
Do you think your original idea was realistic?
What advice would you give a student starting their EE?
How will you complete your reflection?
How will you show your thinking/decision making in your reflection?