All Extended Essays are submitted with a Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF), which consists of three boxes: the first reflection, the interim reflection and the viva voce or final reflection. The reflections are assessed on Criterion E: Engagement for 6 out of the 34 marks that are available for the EE. The cumulative word limit for these three boxes is 500 words. Supervisor comments must also be supplied on this form. You can download the English version of the form here:
Reflections on Planning and Progress FormFrequently asked questions
Is it even possible to assess someone on their ability to reflect? Yes and no. Criterion E measures student's ability to articulate their decision making process and their ability to convince the examiner that they are engaged with the topic and research. Notice the phrases 'ability to articulate' and 'ability to convince.' Mastering useful RPPF phrases may help you score well on Criterion E. Reflective thinking is a self-management skill, one of the IB's Approaches to Learning, which will help you in life in general.