What kinds of sentences and phrases are useful for filling in the RPPF? What does the language of reflection look like? Below are several phrases and sentence structures that can help candidates articulate their ideas. These are not guaranteed recipes for top marks on Criterion E: Engagement, but they can certainly help frame good ideas. 

Useful RPPF phrases (PDF)
First session
  • I have decided to research the topic of... because I am interested in/care about...

  • Because of my experiences with X, I want to find out why...

  • X made me wonder why Y happens.

  • Now that I have done X... (present perfect tense), I will do Y... (future tense)

  • In order to learn more about ...I will have to ...

Interim session
  • After doing some preliminary research, I discovered that...

  • After evaluating the quality of my sources, I think the next step is to...

  • In response to X, I have decided to do Y.

  • For this reason, I have changed my methodology/ research question to...

  • One of the challenges/setbacks I have faced so far is ...

  • In light of X, I have decided to do Y.

  • Once I did X... I could do Y...

Final session (viva voce)
  • I found the process very rewarding because..

  • From this experience, I learned that...

  • If I had to advise a future student writing an EE, I would say...

  • As I look back on my original idea I can see now that...

  • I used to think... but now I think...

Function of the underlined phrases
  • show inquiry (wonder, discover, interest, learn)

  • show personal engagement (experience challenges/set back, care about)

  • Show reasoning/decision making (in light of, for this reason, decide, evaluate, in response to)

Learner profile

An IB learner is a communicator. You may have thought a lot about your learning process when writing your EE. But if you do not have the language to articulate your ideas, you cannot be awarded for them.

Last modified: Thursday, 1 September 2022, 3:08 PM