In order to research and write a Personal Project, you will need to develop many skills. The International Baccalaureate has defined 5 clusters of skills that are lifelong learning skills through out your PP and your Middle Year Programme in general. These are called the Approaches to Learning. They are part of a greater framework called the Approaches to Teaching and Learning (ATLs). The Approaches to Learning consist of 5 skills: 

How are these skills relevant to the PP ? How is the 'PP journey' an exercise in developing these five skills? Here is an activity for you to do with a group of EE candidates, supervisors or both. 

  1. Take 5 sheets of flipchart paper and write a different 'approach to learning' (skill) on each sheet. Place each piece of flipchart paper on a separate table. Alternatively, create an online board for brainstorming, using a site such as Padlet or Stormboard.

  2. Walk around the room and visit each table. Create a mindmap of skills around each approach to learning. On the branches of the mind map, write key words to explore the relevance of this skill and sub-skills to the Extended Essay. On Padlet or Stormboard, create columns for each approach to learning and collect your ideas there. Contribute to each mind map or board

  3. When you are done, discuss your mind maps or boards with everyone. Compare them to the mind maps that have been provided below, by clicking on them to reveal model answers. These are only suggests.

  4. After comparing your results to the mind maps provided below, discuss how you plan to develop these skills throughout the EE journey. What kinds of habits will help you develop these skils? How will you track your skill development in your Researcher's Reflection Space (RRS) or notebook?




Learner profile

In essence, the IB Learner Profile and the Approaches to Learning are interconnected in the IB curriculum to create a cohesive and comprehensive educational experience that focuses on not only what students learn but also how they learn and who they become as learners and individuals. Both components work together to foster holistic personal and academic development.

This raises the question:

  • To what extent do your character traits enable you to become skillful or competent at certain tasks?

Revisit the mind maps from this activity and ask yourself:

  • What comes naturally to me?
  • What skills will I have to work hard on, during the PP process?

Know thyself!


Which skills are actually assessed?

The Criterion B explicitly assesses the ATLs - students will need to map their journey and will need to be very specific on which ATLs  they acquired and improved while achieving their Learning goal and their Product goal.

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 November 2023, 3:23 PM