Note that the following descriptors have been modified from the official IB descriptors to avoid copyright issues.
Criterion A: Planning

Maximum: 8

    In the personal project, students should be able to:

    1. Articulate a learning objective for their project and provide a rationale for how a personal interest influenced the choice of that objective.

    2. Define a desired end product and establish relevant criteria for evaluating the success of that product.

    3. Present a well-defined and comprehensive strategy for realizing the product and fulfilling the associated success criteria.

Marks Descriptor
The student:
    i. mentions a learning goal.
    ii. mentions their end product.
    iii. submits a plan that lacks depth or isn't centered on the specific product.

The student:

i. mentions a learning goal and briefly makes the connection between their personal interests and that goal.

ii. mentions their intended product and provides basic success criteria for the product.

iii. submits a plan for attaining the product and address some of its associated success criteria.

    The student:
    i. mentions a learning goal and elaborates on the connection between their personal interests and that goal.
     ii. mentions their intended product and offer several relevant success criteria for assessing the product.
    iii. presents a detailed plan for accomplishing the product and address the majority of its linked success criteria.

      The student:

      i. clearly defines a learning goal and provide an in-depth explanation of the connection between their personal interests and that goal.

      ii. specifies their intended product and provide multiple, well-detailed success criteria for the product.

      iii. presents a comprehensive plan for achieving the product and address all of its related success criteria.

    Criterion B: Applying skills

    Maximum: 8

      In the personal project, students should be able to:

      1. Elaborate on how they applied the ATL skill(s) to support the achievement of their learning goal.
      2. Provide an explanation of how the ATL skill(s) was utilized to assist in the realization of their product.

    Marks Descriptor
    The student
      i. mentions which ATL skills(s) was/were applied to attain their learning goal.
      ii. mentions which ATL skills(s) was/were applied to attain their product.

    The student:

    i. outlines the ATL skill(s) that were used to assist in achieving their learning goal, with limited examples or evidence.
    ii. outlines the ATL skill(s) that were used to assist in achieving their product, with limited examples or evidence.
      The student
      i. provides a detailed description of how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to achieve their learning goal, referencing specific examples or evidence.
      ii. provides a detailed description of how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to achieve their product, referencing specific examples or evidence.

        The student is expected to:

        i. provides a comprehensive explanation of how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to achieve their learning goal, supported by detailed examples or evidence.

        ii. provides a comprehensive explanation of how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to achieve their product, supported by detailed examples or evidence.

      Criterion C: Reflecting

      Maximum: 8

        In the personal project, students should be able to:

        1. Elaborate on the project's influence on their own personal development or learning.
        2. Assess the product's quality based on the established success criteria.
      Marks Descriptor
      The student:
        i. mentions the effect on themselves or on their learning
        ii. mentions if their end product was achieved

      The student:

      i. gives a brief account of the project's effects on themselves or their learning.

      ii. mentions whether the product was attained, with some partial evidence or examples for support.

        The student:
        i. gives a detailed account of the effect of the project on themselves or their learning.
        ii. makes an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations of the product based on the success criteria with partially supported with specific evidence or examples.

          The student:

          i. gives a detailed account including reasons or causes of the effect of the project on themselves or their learning.
          ii. makes an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations of the product based on the success criteria fully supported with specific evidence or detailed examples.

        Here is the summary of descriptors and levels:

        1-2 Give a brief response without further explanation or computation.
        Provide a summary or condensed portrayal.
        5-6 Present an elaborate depiction or detailed explanation.
        7-8 Offer a comprehensive explanation, including underlying reasons or causes.
        Assess by considering strengths and weaknesses, forming an overall judgment.
        Last modified: Thursday, 16 November 2023, 1:35 AM