If you are completing a Personal Project, here are some general tips

Plan ahead. Make a realistic schedule and try to stick to it. Don’t put everything off until the last minute. Research and writing usually take longer than you think.
Use your supervisor. He/she has experience and expertise that you can benefit from. Don’t ignore your supervisor’s feedback. There are reasons why he/she offers that advice. You can include how you have communicated or taken feedback onboard in your report under the Criterion B to evidence ATL skills.
Formulating your Learning Goal and Personal Goal carefully in an MYP Personal Project report is essential because it provides clarity and measurability.
Generic and non-specific learning and product goals can lead to ambiguity. Make sure that the link between your learning and product goal is clear.
Develop Success Criteria that are appropriate to your product. You will have to justify why you chose those specific Success Criteria.
Do not just automatically use templates given as exemplars.
Set an action plan that is realistic, well organised, that addresses the Success Criteria set in Section Aii. The action plan is for the product only.
Do not include the report writing timeline in your action plan.

One of the Approaches to Learning is self management. Many of the skills listed in these dos and don'ts relate to self-management skills. In essence, this project challenges candidates to develop good organisational skills, such as maintaining a process journal and sticking to deadlines.

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 November 2023, 3:31 PM