If you are writing an Extended Essay, keep in mind that you are not the first candidate to do so. Here are some general tips from former IB students, who have 'learned the hard way'. Their advice is presented as a list of dos and don'ts. As always a 'do' is the flip side of a 'don't'. What's more, these things are more easily said than done. 

Plan ahead. Make a realistic schedule and try to stick to it. Don’t put everything off until the last minute. Research and writing usually take longer than you think.
Use your supervisor. He/she has experience and expertise that you can benefit from. Don’t ignore your supervisor’s advice. There are reasons why he/she offers that advice. Discuss any disagreements with your supervisor and reflect on them in your RPPF.
Formulate your research question carefully. Getting the wording right early helps you focus and research effectively. Don’t worry about refining your research question midstream. But if you make changes, make sure everything you have done so far aligns with the revised research question. It it does not align, don't be afraid to throw some writing and research away.
Devise a research method. You’ll need a kind of ‘work flow’ that helps you gather and process information. Use a Researcher's Reflection Space (RRS) or notebook effectively. Don’t start writing without a plan. Create mind-maps, organisers and outlines to sort your ideas, data and research. Get all of the pieces in place and then put them together.
Review, revise and rewrite. Read your work aloud, perhaps to an audience. Make sure that any feedback you receive is within the bounds of what is permitted. Don’t submit your essay until you are sure that it is complete, and that it says what you think it says.

One of the Approaches to Learning is self management. Many of the skills listed in these dos and don'ts relate to self-management skills. In essence, this project challenges candidates to develop good research habits, such as maintaining a journal and sticking to deadlines.

Last modified: Sunday, 17 May 2020, 1:52 PM