How much have you thought about your EE already? Could you 'pitch' it to a supervisor/teacher or coordinator? Use the form below to articulate your initial ideas and have a preliminary discussion. Try to get valuable feedback on your proposal before moving forward with it.

EE proposal form (Word)
EE proposal form (PDF)
Extended Essay proposal form

Think about and answer the following questions. Submit this form to your supervisor and discuss your answers before starting the Extended Essay and conducting further research.

Topic and subject
In the subject of… I aim to explore the topic of…

Motivation and engagement
Because I want to find out and understand why…

Research question
This leads to my research question...

Method and materials
To answer this question, I will need to…

In particular, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is your investigation doable within the timeframe and in 4000 words?

  2. Is the research question significant? Why is it significant? Who might be interested in your research?

  3. Can you get all the evidence you need? How? Can you get the materials and equipment, can you do the experiments? Can you contact the people and get the information you need? What other resources do you still need?

  4. Have you already read and marked an EE from a former student in your subject area? Have you checked the Choice of Topic and Treatment of the Topic sections of the EE Guide for your subject, to ensure it meets requirements?

  5. If you have doubts about any of these, you may need to refine or change your research question. Discuss your doubts with your supervisor in your 1st RPPF session.


One of the Approaches to Teaching the IB Diploma Programme states that good teaching is 'based on inquiry'. An inquiry-based approach is always student-centred and focuses on what the learner wants to find out. The EE embraces this idea, and so any EE proposal form should ask about the student's motivation to research a topic. Motivation should certainly be discussed by supervisors and candidates before starting or during the first RPPF session.

Last modified: Sunday, 7 June 2020, 10:41 AM