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This page presents 'the basics' of the Personal Project. It is a good starting point for candidates and first-time supervisors. For an in-depth understanding see the official IB guide or explore this Support Site further. 

In a nutshell

In the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP), the "personal project" is a culminating and independent project that students undertake to demonstrate their understanding of the program's key concepts, global contexts, and approaches to learning. In a nutshell, the MYP personal project involves students selecting a topic of personal interest, conducting in-depth research, and creating a significant piece of work or an outcome that reflects their learning and understanding. It's designed to foster skills like research, critical thinking, creativity, and self-management while allowing students to explore a subject they are passionate about. The personal project is an important component of the MYP and helps students develop valuable skills for their academic and personal growth.

In the context of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP), students will submit the "Personal Project Report" (PP report). The report serves as an important record of the student's project work, its development, and the reflection on the learning process. It is typically submitted as part of the assessment for the personal project.

The PP is assessed over 24 marks. The three assessment criteria are common for all PP reports. Grade boundaries are applied to convert marks into a grade of 1 to 8.

Nature of the Personal Project Report

As MYP students grow, they will play an increasing role in shaping their world. Middle level education must prepare students for this responsibility. To do so, it should focus on cultivating motivation, agency, and lifelong learning.
  • Motivation: Encourage students to explore areas that genuinely motivate and interest them.
  • Agency: Let students set their own goals and choose how to achieve them.  Encourage them to define what success means to them.
  • Lifelong Learning: Foster the development of Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills. Encourage students to reflect on the impact of their personal projects on themselves and their community.
Lifelong learning skills

The personal project offers students the chance to independently explore a subject of personal interest that is suitable for their age. By engaging in inquiry, taking action, and reflecting on their experiences, students are encouraged to showcase and enhance their Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills.

The individualized nature of the project is significant. It enables students to investigate a topic that excites and engages them. They have the freedom to select their focus, whether it's an existing interest or a new one, and to determine the methods to reach their objectives. They also establish their own criteria for what constitutes success in the final product. This project presents an excellent opportunity for students to create a genuinely personal and often innovative outcome while showcasing their learning consolidation within the MYP.

Last modified: Monday, 1 July 2024, 10:47 AM