History - Khmer Rouge

Study the assessment criteria for the Extended Essay before reading the example essay and RPPF that have been provided below. How would you apply the assessment criteria? How many marks would you award the essay for Criteria A-D and the RPPF for Criterion E? Discuss your comments and marks with a colleague or classmate, before revealing the examiner's comments and marks below. 

Extended Essay
Comments and marks
When writing about History

There are a few points worth considering when writing an EE in History. Take these into consideration when reading the following essay: 

  • Be careful not to summarise historical events.
  • Instead, show understanding, analysis and implications of historical events. 
  • Ensure that your research question is focused on an aspect of history, i.e. 'the events leading up to'.
  • There is a 10-year rule; you cannot write about events from the past 10 years, as they're not yet historical. 
  • Explore multiple, if not all, key concepts from the History course: 
    • causation
    • consequence
    • change
    • continuity
    • significance
    • perspectives.

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 April 2024, 10:09 AM