Students are anticipated to dedicate roughly 25 hours to their MYP personal project. This time encompasses:

  • Meetings with supervisors
  • Self-directed learning through research, planning, project development, and project completion
  • Reporting on the project

Schools should create feasible timelines that mark key milestones in the personal project's progression. It's essential for schools to take into account the distribution of time required for planning, finalizing the project, and generating the project report. Table 5 can serve as a useful reference for schools when structuring the personal project.


Planning the Personal Project
When?  What? How? Who?
Set interim deadlines
Develop a student handbook
Allocate supervisors
The process
Implementation  Introduction to students


 Students define the learning goals and product Setting goals
Students in consultation with Supervisors

 Students set the success criteria
Creating an action plan
 Students in consultation with Supervisors

 Students create an action plan

 Students in consultation with Supervisors

 Registration deadline
Refer to MYP assessment procedures

 Students develop and apply ATL skills as they aim to achieve their goal
Collecting and organising evidence
Students in consultation with Supervisors 

 Students maintain record of their progress and gather evidence of ATL skills applied in their process journal
Applying ATL skills

 Students assess the degree to which they accomplished their product objective Assessing the product
   Students choose ATL evidence to incorporate into their report  Gathering and curating evidence
Applying ATL skills
   Students make a reflection of the effect of their project on their learning
 Analysis of the project impact on self
   Students write and submit their report
Report writing
Assessment Criteria
Students in consultation with their supervisor and PPC
 Assessment  Evaluate and standardize the PP
 Video Standardisation (Source: IB)
 Supervisors and PPC
   Prepare to submit sample works
  Set deadline for supervisor assessed totals
Set deadline to submit Criterion level totals for sample candidates
Set deadline to submit Criterion level totals for sample projects
   Result issued
  Publish results to candidates and supervisors
   Access the moderation report and the subject report
   Common reflection on strengths and weaknesses and discuss implementation of changes to be made for next year

*PPC- Personal Project Coordinator


One of the approaches to learning is self-management skills.

  • Sticking to deadlines can be difficult. Even more difficult is creating a set of realistic deadlines for a project that you have never done before.
  • This is why deadlines are partially determined by experience supervisors and PP coordinators.
  • If candidates sense that a deadline is unrealistic, it is better to re-assess deadlines earlier rather than later.
  • Build into the timeline room for unforseen circumstance.
Last modified: Wednesday, 8 November 2023, 3:46 PM