Mind mapping thesis statements

Once you have formulated a thesis statement, you can begin to mind map your analysis. A mind map is a visual representation of how your ideas are connected to each other.

  1. Study the stimulus text, the thesis statement and the mind map below. What kinds of strategies are used to make this mind map? How does the mind map 'unpack' the thesis statement? How has it been made in such a way to make the writing process easier?

  2. From the American Civil Liberties Union, 2000

    Responsive image

    Guiding question: How does Text 1 use visual structures to make readers more aware of racial inequality? Note that the ‘man on the left’ is civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King and ‘the man on the right’ is a convicted serial murderer, Charles Manson.

    Text 1 borrows visual structures from a wanted poster, such as font, colour and lay out, to make its readers more aware of the problems of racial profiling in America.

  3. Take your thesis statement from the previous activity, in which you outlined several key features and the purpose of the Politico stimulus text. Create your own mind map on this thesis statement.

  4. Do a 'gallery walk' around your classroom to see how everyone has created different mind maps on the same text. What ideas can you learn from others?

  5. What is the difference between a mind map and an outline? As a class, discuss the merits of both methods for preparing your Paper 1 analysis.
Last modified: Tuesday, 16 January 2024, 8:06 AM